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Reflections on World Humanist Day

Category: Religious & Spiritual Beliefs

Faith and Beliefs

Content warning: Sensitive content containing details of violence which may be disturbing


As we celebrate World Humanist Day on June 21st, I wanted to talk a little more about what being a humanist means to me.


WHD 2024

People are usually quick to make assumptions about my personal beliefs based on my name, my nationality or my background. Instant questions like “Where did you learn English?” are more of an affirmation mechanism than an actual quest to find information. The result is always a shock that they express in a few letters like OH or WOW when they learn that I was educated at an Evangelical school in North Africa and that despite the family name I inherited, I’m in fact, a humanist.

Our minds are programmed to create easy patterns to process any new encounter as swiftly as possible. However, in essence this is rather an impulse, not a rational reflection, and definitely not a proper way of processing information. I understand that humanists are rare in everyday encounters. We don’t often identify as such because personal belief is indeed personal to us. We are not part of an organised community, we don’t have specific rituals or a visible expression of what identifies us as a group for individuality is central to our beliefs.


A common misconception associates humanism with a lack of purpose. Some might think that if we do not follow any of the traditional religions, then we don’t believe in anything at all and it must be sad that we don’t believe in an afterlife, which would make our lives meaningless. This couldn't be further from the truth. Our belief in one life leads to a more fulfilling and happy existence, free from fear of punishment or desire for reward. Here is a video that explains it simply: 



Humanists believe it is our responsibility as humans to create our own meaning. We adopt the scientific approach and apply critical thinking to establish what is ethical. Understanding and caring for others' feelings is a core humanist value, which translates to a commitment to social responsibility, helping those in need, and promoting peace and cooperation. Although Humanism is not a monolithic belief system, all of us share a core commitment to human potential, reason, and creating a better world. We lead meaningful lives advocating for these values through social activism. 

In many parts of the world, religious conservatism clashes with humanist values on issues like LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, and the separation of church and state. This leads to limitations on individual freedoms and challenges humanist efforts to promote secular ethics. Moreover, the rise of social media echo chambers reinforces existing beliefs, making constructive dialogue across ideological divides harder.

Which brings me to why I am writing this now. Recently, I lost a dear friend. She was brutally tortured and murdered. Her body was left naked at a public park. Her hair was shaved and her face was burnt with acid. It is horrific and painful that violence continues to be the language some people would use against those who hold different beliefs. My friend was an environmental activist who never hurt anyone in her life. She did not deserve this end, Nobody deserves this end. And as I felt helpless at this point, all I could do was use words and continue to speak my truth in the hope that understanding and tolerance would prevail one day. 


On World Humanist Day, I am inviting everybody to learn that we are not that different after all. We do not need to be a copy of each other to have peace. Human life is sacred. Human freedom is sacred. Human rights are sacred. 

This is me.. I am a Humanist.


Dedicated to Noha, 

Your inspiring free spirit shall live on and your good work will flourish like the trees you planted.


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